Reject modernity. Return to scythe.
Look at Mr rich pants here, needing a ride on petrol mower. Most people round my way have small push along electric mowers.
You can use electric mowers. They solve the belching fumes problem and nothing else.
They’re often pretty quiet too.
Get an automatic/self-driving one, and you can just watch your vegetation be mutilated instead of doing it yourself.
Lawns are one of those things we do without thinking about it because it’s what everyone else has.
If you have space for a lawn, why not turn it into something beautiful and productive like a garden?
Oh, because your neighbors will get made at you for being different.
I used to think lawns were dumb but then I moved to a place where if you don’t take care of your yard, it’s just overrun with bugs and weeds. Planting too many trees makes things damp and miserable, open areas are key, but that’s where stuff grows. Most plants can’t survive being mowed, but grass loves it, and the birds can pick out insects when it’s low. So now I like lawns, it’s the human version of a meadow. And I don’t see an alternative, other than growing an extra long beard, converting myself in mud, and becoming a druid