A recent Youtube Web update has added a canvas whenever the seek bar is visible, an HTML5 canvas pops up. This was not asked for and not needed. If you disable canvases for privacy, this will cause a horrific red bad to cover half the screen until you hide the seekbar. Canvases can be used for fingerprinting, which I’m sure Google is doing here.
You can keep canvas blocked on YouTube. To stop the red lines, do this:
Click uBlock Origin icon (top right of the browser, small red shield).
Click the gears icon (“Open the dashboard”).
Click “My filters” tab. Make sure “Enable my custom filters” is checked.
Add the following string to the list of filters:
Click “Apply changes”.
Reload your youtube video page.
🔥🔥 thanks for sharing I tried blocking but couldnt find the element
You aren’t supposed to find the element. Just copy the command into your filters and hit apply.
No I tried to find the element before he shared this.
Ah I misunderstood.