The Trump administration plans to revoke temporary legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians who fled Russia’s war, fast-tracking them for deportation.
The move is part of a broader effort to strip protections from 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden’s humanitarian parole programs.
Trump’s policies also target 530,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
Legal challenges are mounting, as affected individuals face uncertain futures. Advocates warn that even U.S. allies, such as Afghans who assisted the military, are now at risk of detention and deportation.
The ICE fucks who are ordered to arrest Ukrainians here fleeing wartime (children, mothers, elderly) better fucking resign and/or blatantly refuse this shit. If not, these traitors should be executed right along with trump and vance.
I’m a Latino and I’ve always seen ice as the Gestapo of your country, I’m glad everyone else is seeing it. Ice has been a hellhole where the most evil and destructive humans end up working from its beginning.
Don’t be an illegal prick and you won’t have to fear the Nazis. Lmao!
Bs. You guys make up the most dangerous lies for hatred points.
This is evil. The US needs an armed resistance at this point having said that there is no organization, there is no structure or any groups that I know of to join. Individuals acting on their own won’t do much, who are people supposed to go after? Where do you find them, how do you achieve the goal? These questions are much more easily answered with an organized resistance. If my country is going to go down this route we have to have this in place first. Until this happens I wouldn’t expect much from the people in the US who want to go this route because they want to be able to make a meaningful impact not just become mass shooters hopefully taking down the right people.
It’s facism by ethnical cleaning. Expect a looooooot more. The pedo wants a 3rd world war and it will happened. He’s starting by Canada because he thinks it’s an easy target, but also because it’s the perfect battleground to display’s power. Unfortunatly, americans are too lazy and under-educated to do anything about it so expect a lot of blood and a lot of fat-ass patriotism because “war time”. But in the end, only the rich assholes will be protected because capitalism gave them the control one everything, think gafam. Good job USA, fuck you.
From safe haven to eviction notice—America’s moral compass just hit rock bottom.
This traitor is destroying all our allegiances. In a single month.
It’s time for America to accept that we have placed a literal traitor in the highest office.
And it’s time for us to man the fuck up and start adhering to our fucking Constitution. We’re letting a felon rapist traitor fuck our future.
Who’s going to do it? All I see is a bunch of internet talk. There’s no leadership. Just a bunch of ppl scared and posting online or emailing/calling senators. We especially need straight white men standing up. The dem paddle holding was just pathetic.
Krasnov’s got his own cabinet afraid to dissent, nevermind the cowardly Libs he’s pwning.
The world is watching you, Murca, and we’re turning away from you while you let this happen. On your streets, none of you are willing to admit you were lied to. You can’t afford this ignorance.
As someone that is part of the demographics eventually under attack by Krasnov I need the protected class to stand up. I would leave the country if I could. Not easy to do for everyone.
Thanks for sharing. I really hope there is such a thing as the protected class in Murcan future.
As Krasnov says, they don’t have any cards. Only the bullies of the world will have cards in his game.
The amount of friends I have who are perfectly normal and sane people who are bringing up in casual conversations the hope for Trump to be assassinated is insanely high. I’m in Canada.
Article talks about how Trump will make the decision soon not that he already has revoked their status. A little sensational in the title but I won’t be holding out hope that Trump keeps them here 😔.
Those are the assholes who need to be punished
So at this point it’s not even illegals but those that have gone through the effort to obtain status. What the actual fuck.
Well, in this case, why not just deport Trump?
Or at least his wife.
I remember hearing Trump’s foreign policy described as “isolationist.”
He’s not an isolationist.
He’s on Russia’s side.
I would prefer if he were an isolationist.
Amazing that there are still groups of people looking at these decisions and trying to discern the rationale behind them as if there was any. Mental Olympics at this point.
This, and I would go further. There is no such thing as right and left for russian puppets. Their “ideology” is whatever is needed for their particular populace and the only thing aligning them around the world is the trail of money.
Well then the next step is actual betrayal of Ukraine by giving their intel to Russia.
Never mind he’s probably already doing so.
I kind of understand immigrants.
But refugees? That’s just a NASTY move.
Immigrants implies they’ve gone through the legal process to emigrate to the United States. The word you’re looking for is illegal aliens and I think the vast majority of the country is forgetting there is a simple solution. Penalize all of the companies that are exploiting illegal alien labor to widen their profit margin. Why do we always blame the drug users instead of the drug dealers in this country and I’m using the terms as a metaphor in this case the dealers are the businesses they’re the problem not the folks trying to make a better life for themselves.
The same people who hire illegal immigrants are the same people who vote for things like ICE and crackdowns and fund those candidates. They can pay their workers shit, get away with deplorable working conditions (are you calling OSHA if you are here illegally?) and then call up la migra the second that they hear talk about unions.
he’s threatening to invade his allies, “nasty” was already met and passed.
Maybe he’s been told Melania is ukranian…
I can’t believe the cruelty. I’m just… But… No words.
I wonder what the Ukrainian people want.
Especially the ones misplaced to the US by a war Russia started, and now have to return to a war zone because the USA is now politically aligned with Russia, and willing to break international treaties, law, and ethics if it gets them Putins favor.
You’re an absolute idiot it you can’t comprehend the international seppuku the USA has just committed by failing to help displaced war refugees, and instead now helps their aggressors.
Anyone with a shred of humanity would see this as the evil bullshit it is.
Instead, you’re pointing out that a country at war needs to conscript troops. No shit. Check out how Russia is doing it, if you want a real comparison to call inhumane.
I wonder what the Ukrainian people want.
Well some want to leave, but the government isn’t allowing them to.
Why is it evil for the u.s. to send people back to a war zone but not for ukraine to keep people in a war zone?
And before you go for the whataboutism I know russia is doing it too and that’s fucked up. Fuck russia for starting this war but that doesn’t resolve the contradiction of supporting refugee rights and mandatory conscription.
Especially the ones misplaced to the US by a war Russia started, and now have to return to a war zone because the USA is now politically aligned with Russia, and willing to break international treaties, law, and ethics if it gets them Putins favor.
You’re an absolute idiot it you can’t comprehend the international seppuku the USA has just committed by failing to help displaced war refugees, and instead now helps their aggressors.
Ukraine government is drafting people by force and not allowing any male between 18-60 from leaving the country. Many people have died trying to flee the country.
“Anyone with a shred of humanity would see this as the evil bullshit it is.”
My dude. So you understand what a war is and how it works?
Do you understand how Russia has done the same?
Do you understand how 500,000 Russians are now dead because of that?
Do you understand that those 500,000 dead Russians are invading a country they promised peace with in 1995?
Do you ultimately understand the point you are making is about how the citizens of the Ukraine are being forced by Russia to either fight for their country or die?
Because that is the policy you are defending despite it clearly being the reason there’s 500,000 dead Russians and not the other way around.
If you want to decry military enlistment as “evil” then you are by far picking the worst example. Russia is far worse in their policies, with a far higher body count, and they are the reason anyone is dying at all.
Which means you are either making your arguments out of bad faith or pure stupidity.
If your argument was made in WW2 it would be about how evil the US is for defending Pearl Harbor.
Make America satanic again.