“So many people will needlessly die because of this,” said one critic.
Win after win, non-voting lefties! You’re gonna get sick of all the winning!
“But the Democratic candidate wasn’t exciting enough for me to oppose fascism!”
Proving yet again that if you needed any reason to vote for Harris other than “it’s Trump” you’re too goddamn stupid to deserve the responsibility of voting.
Shut the fuck up about Gaza. Trump is doing worse than Biden.
Shut the fuck up about the economy. Trump is doing worse than Biden.
Shut the fuck up about Ukraine. Trump is doing worse than Biden.
Shut the fuck up about the military, veterans, free speech, education, the environment, literally everything. Trump is doing all of it worse than Biden.
too goddamn stupid to deserve the responsibility of voting.
By this reasoning, they did the responsible thing and stayed home, where they weren’t hurting anyone with their vote.
Read what I said again.
I’m not talking just about the voters who didn’t cast a ballot; I’m talking about everyone who didn’t vote for Harris.
Whatever your reason for not voting for her- whatever pet issue you cared about that you just couldn’t bring yourself to vote for a brown woman- you were completely wrong about.
Everyone who didn’t vote for Harris helped cause this shit show; it’s only a matter of to what degree.
they did the responsible thing and stayed home, where they weren’t hurting anyone with their vote.
Yeah? How’s that decision working out for them do you think? Because from where I stand, they hurt even more people with their inability to do the absolute bare minimum it would have taken to potentially stop this from happening.
Goes to show how powerful entitlement is. Hopefully, there’s a next time and they’ll have a chance to use what they’ve learned from all the lives lost, and damages that they helped create over the next four years.
Yeah, yeah. I know. Never is.
Don’t worry, he’ll have voting fixed. We won’t ever have to do it again.
You’re gonna get sick
Yeah fuck those low income areas. Those people don’t deserve clean drinking water or air.
These fuckers are so goddamn cruel.
To be fair those folks are not billionaires, this have no value to people like trump. He’s busy making America great again for the Billionaires.
I hate this reality
They know what they did
Justice is dead in America.
Not too sure America ever had a Justice system, only a money and power driven legal system which in some of its finer moments managed to approximate justice.
Needless? Needless!? How inconsiderate can you be!?
We’re talking about less regulation so corporations can make more money! That’s the most important need society has! Screw the people, all hail Nestle! All hail DuPont!
… 🤮
Acid Rain is back on the menu!