Philosophy Tube
Nietzsche was a big influence on Hitler and Nazi Germany
“MAGA”, – Also schprach Trump
I doubt that his point of view resembled Trump’s in any way.
Betteridge’s Law of Headlines: No.
His politics were idiosyncratic. His beliefs in aristocracy would fit in well with the antidemocratic side of MAGA thought. However he also greatly valued art and, of course, philisophy, so I think he’d be turned off by the philistinism of MAGA.
Overall, he was probably too independent minded to slot in with the cultishness of it all, but I think he’d be MAGA-sympathetic and certainly more critical of the Democrats than of the Republicans.
The guy had a special cup so his mustache does not end up in his tee/coffee! He certainly was odd, but no comparison.
I um. What?