Yes, it’s metonymy, as people have said. You also get it in similar contexts where people will name a building such as ‘the White House’ or ‘[10] Downing Street’ to refer to the governments of the US or the UK.
London-based writer. Often climbing.
Yes, it’s metonymy, as people have said. You also get it in similar contexts where people will name a building such as ‘the White House’ or ‘[10] Downing Street’ to refer to the governments of the US or the UK.
Any MBA?
His politics were idiosyncratic. His beliefs in aristocracy would fit in well with the antidemocratic side of MAGA thought. However he also greatly valued art and, of course, philisophy, so I think he’d be turned off by the philistinism of MAGA.
Overall, he was probably too independent minded to slot in with the cultishness of it all, but I think he’d be MAGA-sympathetic and certainly more critical of the Democrats than of the Republicans.
/s indeed, but you did remind me of a cool image, above: the Earth (and the Moon) not only from space, but from the orbit of Mars!
And, below, the Earth as seen from Mars’ surface:
It’s the the tiny white dot, just left and up from centre.
Yes, very useful for subtle distinctions like this!