I’ve seen human kibble and - please, take my word for it -cereal is a huge step above it.
Kibble is nutritionally balanced.
Your logic is undeniable.
Frosted Flakes are gr-r-reat! 🐯
I want a savory human kibble. 😩
Kibble is human kibble :3
FoodCo® “Food”-Flavored ‘Food Product’™
“You CAN Eat It!”©
Where is this from? 🙏🏼😭
Nice, that’s on my bucket list.
Make sure to watch it before your boneitis kicks in.
I definitely recommend!
I don’t think you’re using that phrase correctly.
How do you use it?
A bucket list is usually “a list of things to do before you die” i.e. kick the bucket.
I can see how your use is correct, but it also doesn’t feel right, which is 90% of language.
To my ear, saying that Futurama is simply “on the list” just sounds better.
Another option would be saying that the show is in your backlog.
But, use bucket list enough, and sooner or later that will sound correct. Because that’s also how language works.
Nah, you’re right. I used it wrong.
Bucket lists are usually for life goals, so it’s a bit dramatic to say it for a T.V. show.
I was trying to be brief and was also typing in a hurry.
“Binging with Babish” makes gourmet bachelor chow (beef bourguignon):
fun fact, the machinery used to make cereal and pet food is often exactly the same.
edit: for clarification, I don’t mean they share a production line but the machines can be used to make either.
Now we gotta find the machines that can make both pet and human wet food and treats.
Considering that a lot of human treats and cereal contain cocoa, I’m not sure if that would be a good idea…
I went cuckoo for cocoa puffs long ago.
To classify as kibble I think it would need to offer enough all the nutrition required to survive of it alone. You’re not going to live long on just cereal
Depends on the cereal. If müsli or granola counts, and you’re allowed to eat it with milk, you probably could live like that. (source: I have lived 4-6 years eating mostly granola)
I had an ex girlfriend who was gonna try.
In that case, would oatmeal be human wet food?
Oh no. 😭
My parents called them “teenager kibble”
Only teenagers? 😭
I hate to say it but this is quite an apt comparison
what is the second emoji supposed to convey
Sophisticated inquisition.
I say, harrumph!
Just as healthy too !
Kibble is actually pretty nutritious?
And not all that bad, actually! I’m dead serious, there were times when I caught myself sneaking out a fistful from my cat’s food bag and munching like a rodent. Once you get accustomed to the taste (which, in most cases, tastes like really tough bread flavoured with saltless steak, or saltless boiled carrot, or saltless fish), it makes for a decently filling snack.
Dog kibble has even less flavour than cat kibble, mostly tastes slighly savoury and bland, though. Which I find weird and, like… all dogs I’ve met enjoyed a plethora of flavours, wouldn’t they do the same with their kibble?
These are the people you take life advice from, AskLemmy users
Maybe it’s like a dog whistle and only the dogs can taste the true flavor!
Or they’re just not picky, ha.
Oh, no, they’re definitely picky:)) One of my exes had an Amstaff with whom I’d developed a much healthier relationship than with her owner. My ex also dropped off her dog at my place for weeks so she could take some emotional space. I didn’t care, that dog and I got along like two peas in a pod.
Anyway, point is, she was a VERY astute dog and we became fast friends. I’d always let her “inspect” whatever I was feeding myself and I’d usually get a huff and a butt as remarks about my food. She didn’t even want to lick the crap I was eating at the time (lots of take-out, lots of processed foods, etc.) However, she LOVED my potato salad, and a lot of other home-cooked dishes. Seldom the meat, though.
Soylent Green is people!
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