Hah, my country stole all the best food. I am British.
Imagine having access to most of the world’s herbs, spices and meats, yet the only culturally significant meal of you country is fish and chips.
One of the intresting things we are taught about unconscious bias, is besides people actively discriminating agianst outer groups, most people simply reserve postive emotions for inner groups leading people to be kinda like this without really realizing it.
So remember don’t just reconsider your views on natinoalism, but consider everyone else probably has unconscious prejudice agianst others, so don’t just attack them for thier views but at least try to educate them.
Then if they continue to be willfully ignorant shrug…
In related news: My local group totally doesn’t have an accent. Everyone else does!
I feel like most Midwestern Americans believe this unironically
I’d go further and say most Americans outside the Southeast US think they don’t have accents. This is the only time the Southeast has ever topped the charts on anything involving intelligence.
This is what our prehistoric ape ancestors on the western plains thought of our prehistoric ape ancestors on the eastern plains half a million years ago. … stupid eastern plains apes >:(
Hot take: if someone says “my country has the best ____” and has not ever lived for an extended period in another country, you can just ignore anything they have to say.
My country has the best people that come from my country. Fight me.
Even that might not be true, my experience with people from my country is all the best ones go live somewhere else lol.
You make a valid point.
My country has the best anthem written in our language then.
Hard to fall for this thinking when you have no favorites.