If I had one I’d keep it, vandalise it myself and turn it into an anti-musk advertising vehicle. It’s a bad idea to waste the resources that went into making them.
If I were to drive one, I would never let such circumstances push me to sell.
No sympathy.
While it’s nice to protest outside of the Tesla dealership, people should be protesting outside of US embassies, and while they are at it, protest outside of the Chinese and Russian embassies too. Block them in.
People are doing. But embassies tend to be in capital cities but Tesla dealerships are everywhere.
I know this the unpopular opinion at the moment, but what electric sedan is better than a model 3? The rest of the producers have all decided we want to drive crossovers or boxes and simply cannot figure out how to make a frunk.
Absolutely. Hyundai and Kia have the best EVs by a long shot. Charge way faster than a Tesla, too.
Lots of choice in Europe
Hell yeah, I’ve been wanting a model 3 for years. Glad politics will bring that dream to a reality 😀 lets go electric vehicles!!! One less gas guzzler on the road.
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what you expect from temupanzers
Now just block trump properties
Who will service those when Tesla goes out of business? Where will you get parts? Yeah, it’s time to jump ship
I hope byd buys them for pennies on the dollar and they keep people employed
But most importantly I hope it’s for pennies on the thousands of dollars
Boo hoo, don’t care. Hope they all lose their asses.
especially the assholes that slap “I bought it before we knew Elon was an ass” style stickers on their cars.
Musk has always been a miserable piece of shit. You just turned a blind eye to it because you wanted to hero worship a emotionally stunted perpetually 13 year old troglodyte, until you couldnt anymore.
So you’ve never done business with a company who’s CEO is an asshole? Never bought gas, used Windows, googled something, gotten on Facebook?
I knew full well this guy was an asshole. So is pretty much every CEO in America. You can’t opt out, you can only choose which asshole you want to do business with. The holier-than-thou bullshit because Musk is the asshole of the day helps no one. If you buy oil at all, you’re funding an industry that has lobbied governments around the world to buy more oil for literal generations, all while knowing the harm it was causing and the people it was killing and would kill.
It’s cool that you’ve picked the Nazi you hate over the ones that had the good sense to stay home, but it’s childish at best to think that makes you a better person.
Thats some serious “you say we should improve society? yet you participate in society, Curious!” energy in that post right there.
I also remember the hero worship in 2015-20ish, even when projects like Hyperloop and countless others were a well known scam. I worked in top tech and their product team worshipped him, they hated me after I tried expressing skepticism. These people probably think he’s nuts in 2025, but also say “that wasn’t a Nazi salute, stop overreacting”.
Even going all the way back to paypal, Musk has been a piece of shit. a very obvious, public piece of shit.
Fanboys are in a panic and trying to change history and their blind support of him thanks to the nazism coming out full bore in a way that cant be dismissed/handwaved/excused
True to your username to just assume everyone who bought one turned a blind eye to him so they could have a hero to worship. Thats just a weird thing to say
Yes yes, I’m sure thats what everyone that bought into his saviour of humanity bullshit 20 years ago with his electric cars and rockets is gonna say.
Because the alternative is admitting wrong, and god forbid anyone do that. Why do that when you can blindly leap into the low hanging trap of my username.
The irony of someone calling other people 13 year olds during the most 13 year old take I’ve ever heard lol.
I hope they lose money because they bought a 1939 Volkswagan with an electric motor on it, and then claimed
Well how was I meant to know the man who lives on the internet 24/7 and can’t shut up about his opinions of women, non-whites, fascism, lgbt, and lies like he needs his pants to be warm for the winter, was somehow a bad guy? I bought a cool sticker, so I’m absolved of giving him any money :^)
These people bought them because they thought he was a real life Tony Stark, especially the early models and Cybertrucks. I consider everyone driving in one a useful idiot for Trump and Musk.
I shamefully admit I almost pulled the trigger on a Tesla Model S Plaid back in 2021 or 2022. Flush with a shit ton of cash, but fortunately I was reading reports of production build quality issues, many recalls, and ultimately pulled back my deposit.
Looking back at it. The one decision I have no regrets on.
That’s the part I never understood. Even if you weren’t a Musk fan boy and before Musk showed his true colors, Telsa has always, ALWAYS been shit quality. I remember back in 2015, or so, there was a video of someone finally getting their Telsa and it had a massive crack running the length of the driver side A-pillar, yet they just ignored it.
Tesla is basically a case study in top down engineering. Radical ideas promised by marketing, sometimes good and sometimes bad, executed in a massive fucking rush which results in tons of build quality and general delivering on promises issues.
Which only worked at first because they were a start up. At that point many people will accept the early adopter woes, but Tesla never quite matured out of it.
yep. They rested on their laurels, thinking their success of being first would always be success.
and now the big automakers have their own electric cars, that are properly built, and damn cheap compared to tesla prices.
and the first tesla musk had any design input on was the cybertruck, which is nothing more than the fever dream of an edgy emotionally stunted 13 year old, and built to about the same quality as you would expect from one
I’ll have to be honest and admit back when I was in high school or so, I was enthusiastic about electric cars and his seemed like some of the best. He was also opening up the charging standards so that there could be a mixed playing field. Back then, I was likely ready to dismiss small critiques as the retaliation of the fossil fuel industry.
God I hate old me.
Tesla was a long way ahead of the competition for a very long time, to the point where they were the only option for a vehicle that was genuinely a replacement for a combustion vehicle.
Without them, I very much doubt EV market share would be anywhere near what it is today.
I’m not sure how it even managed to get so big when the EV1 was so beloved but supposedly killed by the automotive industry.
All your reasons were valid though. Teslas were the best electric cars for a long time, probably not so anymore. Tesla as a brand has done good things, like you say opening up their charging standard which is superior to all the other competitors.
Personally, I wouldn’t get a Tesla because they are sort of like the apple of car companies, e.g. anti-consumer and anti-repair. Plus, Musk owning it is another big negative.
Just like model ts were the best for a long time because they were the only ones.
tesla just had good marketing, while thier TESLAS have been lacking QC for quite a while.
You’re always supposed to hate or be embarrassed by the old you; that means you learned. It means growth. It’s a good thing.
Take it from an old man, at a certain point you will grow beyond having to feel “embarassed” by your former self, because your ego won’t be tied to it.
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Saw a Tesla today that someone stuck an old Rover badge on, cracked me up
Elon is getting slapped by the invisible hand.
fun fact: the people who originally coined the phrase ‘invisible hand of the market’ called it ‘the invisible hand of providence’ which basically means ‘gods inscrutable will’. capitalism-at least market capitalism-is literally a religion.
and its god is smiting his favorite special boy. so sad.
I think this hand ain’t invisible. Well at least one finger isn’t.