If we MUST eat a entire bag of Oreos.
Which scenario is better?
- Eat the entire bag in 30 minutes
- Eat the bag slowly, and evenly throughout a day?
The package is conveniently divided into breakfast, lunch, and dinner rows.
U bastard. U just reminded me I have a KitKat to eat. Do I eat the entire thing or spread it over the day?
Yes! Both. And Second Kitkat
Its one of those large blocks tho
All at once so you can repeat it during the entire day.
Better to not buy dry stale cookies.
This is my eternal struggle, with any type of biscuit.
I try to not eat the whole pack in one day, so eat some then close the pack. But inevitability I go back later and finish the rest!
The struggle is real! Sugar is its own reward, and its own punishment.
Ehhh, I’d say that, on average and for most purposes, spread out is better.
Less of a hit to your system. No big blood sugar spikes, which reduces the worst aspects if swallowing an entire package to the minimum it gets.
That being said, expect digestive issues to linger. You’ve got a lot of fats, the coloring, and the sugars playing havoc with your guts.
Expect to need a lot of tooth brushing unless you just enjoy having plaque and acid build-up messing with your teeth.
But I’d say that the risks of big spikes in blood sugar are higher than those risks. It could, in the right circumstances, kill you. And the way some of the more recent information regarding the role of sugar in atherosclerosis, and maybe other cardiovascular illness, is looking, every big spike is whittling time off of your heart more than a bunch of little ones will.
for most purposes, spread out is better. Less of a hit to your system
The digestive system is not built for boredom.
It works best with lots of changes and irregularities. Single events of such stress are no problem at all (only many repeated events of the same stress are bad). The same goes for a day or two of staying hungry.
One of the first things I did when I first moved out from my parents is eat a whole bag of Oreos for breakfast because I could.
It turns your poop black.
Smash them up and dump the crumbs into a glass. Now it’s a drink and no longer subject to the tyrannical nutritional guidelines of the medical establishment, leaving you free to consume it as you please.
Or grind it into fine dust and sprinkle it into your tobacco, stupid!
A dentist once answered this question. Better to eat it at once than soak your teeth in sugar for the entire day. Even better if you brush your teeth after, of course.
Better for your teeth, sure. Nutritionally, I’m pretty sure it’s better to spread it out.
Fatty liver or rotten teeth… Tough choice.
Just commenting to say I love this question and the genuine attempts at answers. I’m going to ask a dietitian next chance I get
Its better not to eat entire bag of Oreo in one day but if you must then its better to spread it over the day to avoid creating large sugar spike in your body.
You also won’t upset your stomach as much if you spread it out.
I don’t think this is true unless you’re diabetic.
For non-diabetics insulin will store all the glucose just fine. Even if you have an elevated level for several hours I don’t think that’s particularly problematic to your health. It’s problematic to diabetics because their levels are elevated perpetually.
No good story has ever started with, "I ate a bag of oreos over the course of a whole day. "
I’m pretty sure that’s how MLK started his speech
Oh, we must.
If I had to choose between those options, I’d eat them slowly throughout the day.
But in reality, it’s two sittings: one row in the afternoon, and the rest at the unhealthiest of times, around 9pm.
Buy smaller bags.
Better to eat it at once. Your system can work away the high blood sugar level and then go back to normal.
If you create high blood sugar again and again, it is stressful for your pancreas all day long. Do that often and you will get overweight, and then diabetes.
Not a nutritional expert or anything, but I’ll take some guesses.
Generally, it depends on how you spread out your activities, if you are going to be active. If you aren’t going to be active, it doesn’t matter when or how you eat them.
Still, high fructose corn syrup needs to be broken down by the liver before it can be used by your body. It doesn’t seem that it would get quickly used as an energy source, active or not. Spreading out the load over the day might be better for your liver and give you more opportunities to burn that energy. That is just speculation though.
If you eat a whole bag, then immediately run 10 miles, you are just going to vomit most of it out. Sounds like a win to me! (Doctor recommended. For realsies. /s)