I didn’t recognize him at first because of the normal-sized hands
Worse than stupid. Willfully ignorant and actively wields that ignorance as a weapon for malicious deeds. Also a rapist.
this needs to be a sticker
Make Depression, Great Again
Amen to that, brothers and sisters.
So, this is the Second Coming?
The only problem with this is it implies that he’s done anything remotely saint like.
Plenty of saints have done stuff that many people would consider “not saint like”
Excuse me, god gave him the power to be the best ever at economic collapse. He deserves that sainthood.
What he is doing is stupid, but he isn’t stupid. He knows 100% what he is doing.
I doubt he has rudimentary abilities to synthesize information. He’s being handled. He cannot think past surface-level and is a slave to emotion. The man who owns him is the one doing the thinking.
Hehe that’s a pretty cool meme