bruh that shit’s already gone. they’re actually doing the salutes (the point of this thread)
Conservatives/Shills I made delete their accounts in shame by beating them in arguments : 2
Past winners :
bruh that shit’s already gone. they’re actually doing the salutes (the point of this thread)
Or , you know, shot in school.
wake up and go back to sleep.
guides are available online, and a film touching the topic exists :
can you imagine being in the crowd and then seeing the news about BYAAH the next day?
economy’s rough huh?
fellow tech dad here. how did you strike the balance between “look up shit online” and “hiding the terrors and lies of the internet from my kids”?
Mine’s still little, but knowing sooner is better.
bruh we have kids now. we’re old, and busted. my wife was trying to calculate what years our BTTF shit would happen, it’s over.
He didn’t “handily win” he won by 1-2 points in the swing states.
he won the popualar vote despite all the EVERYTHING
it sucks that they teach us our code will live forever, so watch out for introducing bugs…
then the companies go under, designs change and you waste your life leaving behind nothing.
Not with any attitude!
I can’t exactly cut the baby in half and jam it back into my fucking urethra.
If yOu hAd a tImE MaChInE WhAt wOuLd yOu dO?
I’D ToTaLlY KiLl hItLeR BrAh
we’re finding out that no one would do shit.