for fucks sake, just let people enjoy their damn food. This existing doesn’t affect you. You can just, not eat it.
For fucks sake. Just let people enjoy some jokes and mock rivalry
I don’t know if you know this, but the pineapple pizza thing is a trans allegory. I didn’t decide that, it just is. Making jokes at the expense of a persecuted minority is not ok. Good comedy punches up, not down. My bad for forgetting again that internet communities don’t do subtlety.
Yup, and joke about it for fun.
Heresy!!! The pineapples were a gateway to this abomination, and I know exactly the despair that follows… banging sheboys.
I’d rather ally with kiwi on pizza people than work with pineapple on pizza haters.
Especially if they make their food hate an unavoidable personality trait.
That shit would slap. Sweet and savory just doesn’t jive with some people and that’s fine. For the rest of us we get awesome food like pineapple on pizza. I wish everyone could know the pleasures we do.
team pineapple is just not quite uniting with the haters on this.
Team pineapple has adventurous taste buds.
Yeah, team pineapple might just end up being team kiwi too. That looks great to me
Ew but I’d try it
I now acknowledge that pineapple is the gateway drug to this madness.
Meh I have a feeling us pineapple enjoyers may actually like this. Only thing to make me unsure are the seeds. That texture might be odd on a pizza
Edit: typo
OK, hear me out.
Roasted sweet red pepper rings, paprika, white onion, sliced kalamata olives, and light goat cheese.
Kiwi, super thin, not cooked but added as an after topping just enough to warm through.
Hot honey drizzle
I’ve heard you out.
I’ll take all of that without Kiwi.
that’s fair
No no yes no yes yes no
I appreciate your input
Ponpon shit! Ponpon shit! Ponpon shit! Ponpon shit!
Feel free to give it a try and report back with the results.
We’re due for a pizza night anyway, need to teach the eldest how to do fermented dough. Also, I’m not sure kiwi are in season, will be a bit.
Kiwizza is too far
Never had a kiwi that has been cooked. But tbh I would probably at least give it a try if someone made it.
They’re insanely tasty. Cook carefully on a nonstick pan and caramelize with a little bit of sugar and it’s unreal. I’ve put it on French Vanilla ice cream with the chocolate sauce that turns into a shell, and I would literally punch babies if I could eat that every day without getting mega fat and having a heart attack
Only got cast iron pans, nothing with PTFE.
No, now I have 2 enemies.
The kiwizza isn’t real, it can’t hurt you
Nope. Nope nope nope 🤮🤮🤮
Ever since I saw this joke I have wanted to try kiwi pizza. I like kiwi. I like pineapple on pizza. Maybe kiwi on pizza is even better.
A pizza place here makes spaghetti pizza, yup like a 1/2" layer of spaghetti(with sauce) under the cheese…
It’s not very good :/
Spaghetti belongs in a taco, not a pizza.
But, now hear me out… What if the spaghetti taco is then placed on a pizza?
Taco Town!
… dad?
A place near me does this. It’s the worst. The spaghetti is chewy because it’s dehydrated from being grilled.
This is worse than the Mac and cheese pizza and twice as confusing.
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