working more than 40 hours a weekMORE THAN DESERVES food, shelter, healthcare, and education, among other things.Lets at least add entertainment to that list, we aren’t here in this world just to work and not enjoy a single day of our lives.
Who the fuck downvoted this come back I have a bone to pick
I knew people who worked 50/60 hour weeks, and they had this exact mindset. Like…?
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa–anyone deserves food, shelter, health care, and education.
Others have already said this, but everyone deserves these things, amongst others - certainly not just those who can and are are willing to work 40 hour weeks. Even the billionaires (although they don’t deserve to be billionaires)
It’s just amazing that even with the bar so low they’ll still fight you on whether people actively doing labour deserve to afford to live or not. Like, it’s the simplest thing and even this they cannot handle.
But but… then the line might go up more slowly! The horror!
Politicians can wear it like a cape or hug it but that flag will never represent the ideas of these corrupt politicians
It kinda does… We’ve had a dark history. Our period of being better was basically just WW2 to recently
Wait, I have another one –
Who defines “work”?
There’s some opinions that are disliked by both the left and right, and this is one of them.
I think you’re confusing neo-liberals and the left there buddy.
And even then, I’m not sure the majority of neolibs would argue with it.