From Eaglewatch NL
• NL: Camiguinvalkuil (Ninox leventisi) • FR: Ninoxe de Camiguin • Photo: Bram Demeulemeester
Camiguin Sur Island
The Camiguin boobook or Camiguin hawk-owl is a medium-sized, vulnerable owl species, resident to the Camiguin island in the Philippines. Its habitat is in tropical moist lowland primary and secondary forests up to 700 meters above sea level. It is also occasionally seen on forest edge, clearings and plantations. It is the only owl in the country with greenish-yellow or grayish eyes
Never trust a fart after 40.
Lol this took me a second, but I got there. 😖
What a stylish fellow!
He is pretty unique. It seems they’re a relatively recent discovery. I’ll have to give them another post to cover that I’ve article I found had some pretty interesting stuff.
pictures like this is why my rp class for pathfinder is druid. the fantasy of shapechanging and hanging with all the wild creatures is just to good to pass up. may not be the best min/max class but it is sooo cool. sorry for the non sequitor.
I always appreciate anything you guys have to say! I learn about so many new things from everyone’s comments.
While trying to find out whether or not it’s called a boobook because that’s a phonetic spelling of the sound it makes (because I love it when animals are named thus 😁), I came across this wonderful video from an Australian conservationist/zoology communicator ❤️
I’ve always read the call is the origin of the name, like Ruru/Morepork.
This person claims to get paid for animal sounds and they agree, so that counts as a professional opinion!
I liked your video. Boonooks are super cute. 🥰