As teenagers, we were drinking at a friend’s place while his parents were at work. One of us found his mum’s vibrator and chased everyone else around the house with it till it broke.
His sister heard about it and told her mum at family dinner. Their mother replied “Well it works now!”
I had a friend pull a “think fast” on me one time, and they threw another friends mom’s dildo at me like a football.
I did a diving catch and landed in cat puke. Be me laying in cat puke holding a questionably sanitized dildo.
I mean, I made the catch, so I still see it as a win.
wtf kind of families are you guys hanging out with? 🤢
Latch key ones?
What is this series and please tell me the meme text is in no way related even tangentially? Also Miyazaki approves
I don’t know. Sorry. I found this meme somewhere, long ago, and saved it.
It cost you exactly zero dollars to not post this.