Inaction is also an action that may determine whose fault it is.
You expect me to believe trump can throw a punch?
Yeah it should have been trump hitting the guy with a golf club
Biden is not responsible for what Trump is doing. He is responsible for letting it happen. He failed to fight maga during the 4 years he had all the powers to do it.
To be accurate, it is not a fault, it is a failure. His responsibility is on this failure, not anything else.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks this. Biden didn’t open the door for Trump, but he did stand aside. Bernie would have shredded Trump … but you know, apparently primaries are the devil.
Are police also “responsible” for “letting crime happen”? I don’t understand the reasoning here.
See how long you last as police chief if you choose to not suppress crime.
So yeah, police are explicitly responsible for minimising crime, that’s literally their job.
I admit there’s some nuance there since police aren’t expected to actually prevent all crime. In this metaphor I guess the question is whether Trump is a bog standard criminal that maybe gets around the police but is kept mostly in check, or if he’s a special level of super-criminal that police chief Biden should have his career judged against.
The thing is, the people chose to have crime. They were presented with a criminal, and chose him. And I’m not even following the metaphor anymore either; he’s literally a criminal. The police can’t fight crime if the majority of people want crime.
True, I guess we need a Batman to handle this Joker, the “police” have been overwhelmed
😄 Exactly
Is Biden also to blame for Trump’s first 4 years? It’s the people’s fault! It’s your damn fault too! The world is still waiting for riots and precautions of election manipulation etc. But nothing comes from you. Just peaceful protests while trump pisses in your faces.
No hut the DNC definitely is for sabotaging sanders and his supporters to ensure the neo liberal class dictatorship could continue and prevent any platform movement to the left that might vaguely resemble a new FDR presidency
And you are sabotaging yourself by letting a whole different party create a set of bigger problems because you’re focused on things that don’t matter right now.
Neo liberals are sabotaging themselves and everyone else by blaming voters for not getting behind tepid astro turfed right leaning centrist corporatism.
You all need to wake up and realize our presidential elections are likely just as compromised by money as the rest of our political system. There are 14 traits of fascism and both parties blatantly exhibit 13 of those traits with fraudulent elections being the only trait they can claim the corruption of is plausible deniable. All you thinking that the ideals of democracy haven’t been corrupted to the same point everything else has because of hurrrr durrrr democracy and “murican eyedeeeuhhhlissum” are living in an idealistic delusion. The system has proven it will not be remedied through its own mechanisms and that those with power have subverted those very mechanisms to prevent any meaningful change which means the only way forward is revolution.
Neo liberal western democracy vehemently opposes economic democracy and any movement to the left. This makes it completely undemocratic and an ultimate defacto class dictatorship. But cleverly disguised pr masquerading as unbiased journalism owned by wall street military and prison industry profiteering billionaires have convinced you the house isn’t actively burning when it obviously is.
Damn… I’m going to keep “not a fault, it’s a failure” in my back pocket. I’ve never heard it put that way when discussing a screw up that wasn’t really someone’s fault (in this case Biden, but could be Dems or even situations not politics related)
I feel being critical without blaming unfairly is a huge part of my personality, and so this type of convo actually comes up kinda frequently in my life, since so many people struggle to see gray areas between right and wrong, at fault and not at fault.
But what you said is a perfect way to better ensure that the meaning doesn’t get lost to blaming, after which the conversation is usually a lost cause.
the powers trump is using now is not actual presidential powers and I would not see it used by their guys or ours. congress is the one who could have stopped this. mainly back when trump was in office and going through with the impeachment.
There is something there, but I don’t know about Biden being the main focus. It feels like a little mini civil war where after the US Civil War for a very brief moment we had African American politicians, leaders, businesses, and equality seemed at least possible. Then you have the KKK and white supremacy pop up and it’s all gone. We had a brief run with what felt like some equality or equitable society, and then a big white supremacist movement came up and they are moving hell and earth to drag us back to the 1770s
“n’y thing”? What the fuck?
The Democrats are a cesspool themselves, but at least they don’t flaunt screwing you over.
Tell that to the kids who visited Pelosi at her office
Guys, this comic is a jab at conservatives, and is poking fun at how they’re going to respond to getting screwed by Trump. The comic is positing that conservatives will just blame Democrats (usually their leader specifically), as they’ve done since time immemorial. These exact types of comics have been around since Reagan, they’re all the same comic. The last big one was the “thanks Obama” meme, where Obama is blamed for every stupid little thing.
This isn’t a comic about leftists blaming Biden. It’s about the bull headedness and obtuse nature of conservatives.
This comic would have been perfect if the guy’s hat just had MAGA on it, easier to get the message across
The message is 100% clear to Americans already.
Clearly not 100%, since somebody is explaining it
In case you haven’t noticed, Lemmy is full of non-Americans who are ignorant of American culture and politics, yet still feel the need to share their ignorant takes for some reason.
Yeah, sorry that we exist. Kinda hard to ignore when your shit politics drag us into it.
Willing to bet it’s a registered trademark
Guys, this comic is a jab at conservatives
Centrists think that conservatives and leftists are the same people.
Battered spouses rarely leave their spouse.
Now we need a version with the guy wearing a “don’t vote” cap and saying “this is all the Dems fault”.
The Democrats not once but twice lost to him. Who do you suggest we blame if not the candidates that lost?
The voters, genuinely. Because they misunderstood what the vote meant. It wasn’t about electing a democrating candidate, it was about keeping Trump out of office*. Note that this is not limited to non-voters, but includes every american.
*: This is not what a vote for the president is meant to be about. But hey, desperate times, desperate measures, that kinda stuff.
Because they misunderstood what the vote meant.
Whose job is it to inform voters if not the candidates themselves?
It wasn’t about electing a democrating candidate, it was about keeping Trump out of office*.
This mentality is exactly what allowed Democrats to move so far to the right and lose their base. This time around the Democratic candidates were literally engaging in genocide, attacking immigrants, and attacking the working class while trying to claim that they were the “good guys.” You can only do that when your sole appeal is “well at least we’re not Republicans” rather than having anything meaningful to point to to actually demonstrate that you deserve to win. Diet Republicanism isn’t appealing to anyone and these candidates completely and voluntarily chose to run on that platform even going as far as wasting weeks of campaigning in order to court Dick Cheney’s approval. It was another colossal fuck up by the DNC that once again lead to Donald Trump winning the presidency.
Whose job is it to inform voters if not the candidates themselves?
They did so, up and down. People just refused to listen, and rather listened to the republican stuff making them zero in on 2-3 issues out of thousands to make them not vote in the first place.
This time around the Democratic candidates were literally engaging in genocide, attacking immigrants, and attacking the working class while trying to claim that they were the “good guys.”
They were “engaging in genocide”? Oh that is is interesting.
Attacking immigrants? You mean the very party that the republicans were crying was daily bussing millions of illegal immigrants to american small towns was now attacking them instead? That’s odd, that doesn’t track with what the reps said!
And they’re attacking the working class? You mean the administration that, as per the available statistics, managed to undo the damage trump’s previous administration caused in regards to wage shift and even push for a (albeit small) improvement then went and physically assaulted those very workers on the streets? That’s interesting, I did not know that!Don’t fall prey to the very mentality the Reps tried to mass-media-drill into the voter base to make them abstain or even vote for the Reps on, despite being strictly worse on those very issues they attacked the Dems over.
And yes, it’s not ideal that the US has a two-party system. It’s not ideal that the US has an electoral college. But you can’t improve that by, well, giving up and just making it worse. If faced with two bad options, and you had previously picked the less bad one, then you don’t pick the worse one just because you want some changes. You know it’s getting worse, that’s a change, but not one you ought to desire.
I can’t even imagine being brainwashed enough to read the absolutely SPOT ON comment that @[email protected] wrote then writing what you wrote.
Ask not what you can do for your demagogues. Ask what your demagogues can do for you, you ignorant dupe.
So a mass of Americans misunderstood something about politics and that’s the voters fault. Ok. Sure. Ill give you that. But if only there was a major political party we could use to communicate with a mass of these Americans and correct the record.
Oh, wait, that’s literally the job the Democratic party. You can come up with any excuse; voters, Republicans, misinformation, media, etc. But at the end of the day the party that is actually responsible for combatting those things failed. They failed to communicate with the American people. They are run by a bunch of rich old boomers with zero connection or understanding to the workers of America.
If you don’t criticize the party and instead let them get away with “blaming voters” then they will never actually change their policies and messaging that has failed them over and over again.
Seriously, if the problems is actually voters then isn’t the solution in changing the actual platform we use to communicate with voters? Because if that platform isn’t working then we should blame that platform as well. Actually, we should focus on the problems with that platform BECAUSE that is what is used to change voters minds.
The voters, genuinely. Because they misunderstood what the vote meant.
If the dems required we all support a literal far right fascist genocide, or else let trump take office, then the dems are fascists. The fascist dems can go fuck themselves right along with the fascist republicans. I dont vote in support of genocide of innocents, and neither should any of you. regardless of the cost..
Hope you liked having a country and a future in it as much as I did. Be a pity if you didn’t care about what you lost us with your “protest vote.”
Sometimes I think Democrat establishment bootlickers actually wanted to lose just so they could write comments like this.
Are you gonna be like the lady that called ICE on her neighbor because the son voted for Trump to get his parents deported? Like, you have no actual moral compass. You just want your team to win and will attack anyone that might hurt your team. You’re attacking people that are against genocide for not voting for a candidate that supports genocide.
… Huh? I think I’ve just met the most insane person on this site. How ya doing?
So it’s cool to support fascism just as long as you’re in the in-group at the time? There was zero need for Dems to support fascism but apparently Biden and Harris thought it was more important to protect it than defeat Donald Trump.
I mean, good attempt, but failed. I don’t support fascism which is why I didn’t vote for a fascist. I don’t support genocide which is why I didn’t vote for the person that would fully embrace it in two countries. You can get off my junk now, thanks.
don’t support genocide which is why I didn’t vote for the person that would fully embrace it in two countries
So you voted for the one that fully supported it in one country? Or did you not vote for either of the major parties and are a hypocrite?
And yet now you got a fascist himself who also actively supports fascism and actively supports and accelerates Genocide in two countries, including wanting to entirely depopulate one.
It was fascism either way, so you should be happy since you got what you were (and still are) asking for. You seem to be under the impression that the DNC had to support fascism when that isn’t the case and we can all confirm that it wasn’t the case now that they’ve lost yet another election with the exact same garbage strategy.
deleted by creator
That’s the difference between the commenter above you and you. You’re happy to live in a country where your living conditions and your future are assured, even if it genocides people elsewhere. I’d say what I think about your stance if it didn’t violate the civility rules.
Lol goodbye Palestine any fucking way, friend. Those of us with a functioning brain knew that was obvious with Trump. Oh, but now they’ll get ethnically cleansed for a golf course co-owned by Trump and Israel! Hope your sanctimony warms the empty space in your head.
That’s a lot of words for saying you don’t care about the deaths of Arabs as long as you reap the benefits in the imperial core.
And yet people voted a fascist into office who is now actively acclerating genocide including wanting a country fully depopulated.
And yet the democrat administration couldn’t possibly run a campaign with more likeable policy and candidates than Trump, which is quite possibly the worst US president.
deleted by creator
And so you voted by splitting your vote based on your local outcome. Which still, factually makes you have voted for either of the two.
One of which also wants your cost of living to go up (and is doing that now), social security to go down (and is doing that right now), reduce oversight of large corporations, massively expand corruption and corporate control of the government, reduce public safety and limit personal liberties.
If you got a choice between +9-1 and -11 (bonus for the Reps accelerating the genocide instead of abiding it) , and that’s your two options, you don’t pick the latter. And not voting is the same as voting for the local majority, so it matters fuck all what your intent was.
You, also, misunderstood what the vote was about, quite clearly.
People like you silencing dissent is precisely how the DNC deluded themselves into believing they could win while running to the right.
The only time we see the democrats accede to popular opinion and do the things they need to get elected is when is so exceedingly obvious that there is no other path that they can’t pretend otherwise, and the moment that pressure lets up, they will stop. They only told Biden to drop out when he had no path to victory, and the moment Kamala looked like she’d win, the dems embraced every policy that had killed the Biden campaign.
They had polling data, they knew that banning tiktok wouldn’t increase their chances to win, but they did it anyway. They knew that sending cops to kick the shit out of politically active college students wouldn’t help them win, but they did it anyway, because they thought they could do that and still win.
Oh I think you misunderstand me.
I’m not criticising who disagree with both parties, just those that did not vote and now want to pretend that didn’t have an effect largely the same as a vote. Most voting systems cannot model non-voting, and hence it ends up being a vote in effect, and for whom is something you let somebody else decide then. It’s silly to pretend otherwise. Abstaining means giving a vote to someone who you know won’t win, that’s the only way sadly.
To make abstaining visible you’d have to say, directly assign seats if the house to parties including that the percentage of non-voters forces seats to be left vacant or such. But I’m not sure anybody uses something like that, don’t think so.
Frame it how you’d like, and I’ll frame it how I like. And I’ll happily vote similarly in 2026 and 2028 too. Until the dems get more scared of losing elections from a lack of progressive support than they are scared of losing far right AIPAC donations, they get zero support from me and the progressives I know, and they cant win an election without us unless they find a whole lot of republican votes-- which they have zero chance of getting.
Let us know how that turns out. Until then, get used to AIPAC buying you like a cheap mercenary to support ever greater war crimes. Even after they kill everyone in Gaza and the west bank, they wont stop there. Its on to Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria, then Egypt. Someone needs man/woman-up and tell them no.
I blame Republican voter suppression and supporting a candidate that tried and failed at insurrection.
As someone from a place with compulsory voting and would vote regardless. You, I would vote any prick that stayed home and didn’t vote. Especially when rates are less than half the voting population.
So I’d say that’s heavily weighted to a large portion of the population that just has zero say (statically) over the election. The electoral college makes our elections statistically pointless for 43/50 states. So any “stay as home” people or “blue states shifting red” are just a reflection of how little people have faith in the democratic party. But not actually a reflection of what lost the election.
For example, I live in Washington, there is just no statistical way my state goes for Trump. So I voted for the PSL candidate for president and went Democrat down the ballot the rest of the way.
As far as the presidential vote goes I am essentially the same as a non voter. But that did NOT matter at all. My state went blue. And my PSL vote was influenced by that. If I was in Georgia (my previous home state) I’d have voted for Harris.
I feel like the focus on the “protest vote” is trivial. The states that mattered lost the non political person to the couch because the Democrats couldn’t message to them enough to get them to care to drive to the polls.
At the end of the day. The Dems lost because they didn’t give any progressive minded people a reason to get off the couch on election day. They instead spent their whole campaign trying to “turn” voters they could never win on issues like “tough on immigrant” policies.
The non-voters obviously. How is that so difficult for you to understand?
The protest non-voters voted for Trump.
The democrats sabotaged the popular candidate not ONCE but TWICE because they were beholden to billionaires and their party leadership clearly was more supportive to the idea of a far right fascist than allowing their party to move even a millimeter to the left. You neo lib boot lickers have your heads so far up the asses of war mongering wall street billionaires you cant even see that the obviously visible puppet strings to both parties lead to the same hands. Its sad, you won’t even stop blaming voters and collaborate to do something about this mess with actual leftists ready to work for change, You are just so delusional you keep sitting there with your thumb up your ass blaming working class people for not supporting a party that has shit on working class people and refused to do anything meaningful anytime they have held power since the fucking 80’s. What a joke.
The projection is strong with this one.
The delusion is even stronger with you. Everything ive said is 100% true not my fault you’re so brainwashed you cant see the forest from the trees. Neoliberal democracy fights any type of economic democracy and is in a fact a class dictatorship as a result. Wake up
I voted for biden in the primary. I was against him bowing out but till supported it when it was done. I did not vote for him in the first primary but he did a better job in his first term than any other president of my life. Not sure how they sabotaged. voted bernie way back when clinton won but not in 2020. Yang was who I did then.
Can you name one thing you think the Democrats did wrong? I mean people have the right to vote or not vote for whoever they want. That’s kind of the point of a democracy. Isn’t it a failure of the party and/or candidate if they didn’t convince people to vote for them? You can point all day to voters but at the end of the day the party knew all this stuff and still didn’t change their messaging to attract turnout.
Its easier for them to blame voters than accept the reality that the whole system is corrupted by money and neo liberal western democracy is broken as is and without economic democracy (which is what democrats spent their efforts thwarting the last 3 election cycles) what it actually is, is a class dictatorship. Democrats sabotaged sanders not once hut twice because they had nothing to lose shooting themselves in the foot and betraying the working class, they preferred a far right fascist since fascism does not threaten capital. So they did whatever possible to prevent an administration thet wojld resemble FDR in any way and give their billionaire donors the win they paid for.
Now neo liberal right leaning centrists cosplaying as leftists just sit there and toe the party line by blaming people who will not support defense contractor astro turfed corrections industry corporatists of wall street due to blatant ideological failures and contradictions. Voting for a party to ensure that 10% fewer Palestinians will die by American bombs while we ignore the wage stagnation to the point of wage slavery and unaffordable housing crisis but consider it a win because we vote for meaningless virtue signaling sell outs is pure delusion.
Blaming voters instead of those in power for the systems failures is the same logic of those who blame any Palestinian organization instead of the fascist regime armed to the teeth with billions of dollars in high tech ordinance and surveillance equipment who have been allowed to ignore international law and have a secret illegal nuclear program since the 1970’s. Its dellusional. We have a gross failure of policy and ideology in the democratic party and yall need to wake the fuck up and realize this instead of allowing your comfortable complacency to further empower the leaches controling things behind the scenes and falling victim to their clever PR manipulations.
Last November, it wasn’t voting for status quo on either party, it was status quo vs fascism.
It was known that it was fascism vs status quo and there is no amount of justification that will make it any different.
People that protest voted or stayed at home directly helped fascism take power.
If you think that milquetoast status quo with Dems was bad, you’ll shit on the floor the next few years as your country accelerates into fascism. Trump hasn’t even been in power for 6 months and look at all the damage done.
We can blame both voters and the system, but in the face of fascism, it wasn’t time to make a statement.
I hope that the world rearrange itself and leave the US to rot because what is happening right now is fucked up and no amount of mental gymnastics and justifications will make a difference.
The American people chose fascism, plain and simple.
You’re incredibly naive if you think fascism just took hold in 2024 and not decades ago. The status quo was fascism too.
Neo liberals have their head so far up their ass they don’t understand that a party that pretends to be the good guys while still enforcing a racially prejudiced war on drugs to bolster a militarized police state and send mostly poor brown people into modern concentration/forced slave labor camps is defacto fascist. The American democratic party in any other developed country is considered a center right party. Leftism (the true antithesis of fascism)in the usa is vehemently suppressed by the party cosplaying as leftists. When the citizens ask for fair wages fair housing fair anything resembling economic democracy they are shit on and told to go fuck themselves by both parties the dems just wave a pride flag and post #BLM while they do it because their expensive PR firm consultants tell them it looks good
I know that, otherwise we wouldn’t be here today. But at the very fucking least, Americans could have refrained from giving the full reign to a fascist party.
The voters are as much responsible as the Democrats, but for people like you, that’s fucking hard to grasp that it can be both.
Keep doing mental gymnastics so that you can sleep at night because the US, and by proxy, the rest of the world, just got a lot worst a lot faster.
It is a weird moment to take a stance against when an openly fascist candidate is the front runner for the US presidency. Riddle me this.
Non-voters and Trump voters chose to end America, end Palestine, and end Ukraine. You chose it. You can namby pamby about “the system” whatever, but take ownership of the fact that the system did you so wrong, you ended it and obliterated two others I’ll bet dollars to donuts you claimed to support in voting (or not) as you did. Take responsibility. The Democrats didn’t make you do it; you did it.
Honestly for me, I would’ve and did pick America lasting, flawed as it was, and Ukraine and Palestine having a chance. Turns out a country that’s run like a company isn’t the worst thing in the world if it isn’t run purposefully into the ground. Just own your choices and be whatever form of happy the consequences make you.
Ukraine is a western vassal state. We are fighting this war and using clever propaganda to convince Americans that democracy is at stake meanwhile we dont have democracy in the usa. We have class dictatorship. America has done the same thing to every country since the 60’s. Impose western imperialist dominance through force regardless of what the citizens of that country want, we poked the bear till the Berlin wall fell then took control of ukraine and looted it for wall street profits. Now we want to hold onto Ukraine at all costs for the sake of resource and trade route control while absorbing ukraine into NATO so we can put strateginc nuclear strike capability even closer to russia. So western aggression / posturing and foreign policy is the cause of this conflict which will become world war 3 regardless of who fired the first shot (wars today are foughy via insurgency, manipulation espionage and economic sanctions so the truth is battlefield violence was not the first shot fired in the ukraine/russia (west/east) conflict.
America has been dead long before this election. You just believe the propaganda of billionaires who are laughing behind the scenes while they manufacture your consent and rape your wallet There is no left party in the us and this is a result of that.
And the support of the Ukraine conflict and Palestinian autonomy are ideologies that are diametrically opposed. Neo liberals are on some serious copium.
Congratulations on voting for Trump! See my idea for a comic strip above.
How bad at self reflection do you have to be to see yourself cheering on Trump’s victory while thinking that you’re on the right side of anything.
Lmao at the strawman and projection.
Congratulations on what I strongly suspect is your protest non vote! This is what you voted for.
This is what you voted for.
Literally isn’t if they didn’t vote for Trump you weirdly gleeful authoritarian cunt
When someone robs your house, you blame the robbers. When the police refuse to do anything about it and you get robbed again by the same person 4 years later, you blame the police.
I blame the robbers for robbing my house and the police for not doing their jobs. I don’t blame the police for robbing my house.
Yeah that’s the point
That’s not how you phrased it, though.
If that was the point, then simply adding “as well” or “too” at the end makes that clear. Without it, it frames it as if the blame is being shifted instead.
When someone robs your house, you blame the robbers. When the police refuse to do anything about it and you get robbed again by the same person 4 years later, you blame the police, too.
I think most people reading it understood that was their point though.
Maybe. Maybe not. Because it’s not explicit, then you’re expecting people to fill in the blank. I’d say there’s more of an argument that most people did not make that assumption.
Nice, but the orange asshole is not fat enough.
There is simply no comedic value in this comic strip.
its an art form, its call a comic strip but it dont need to be humorous. think about the unexpected masterpiece loss
It’s funny because it’s true.
Strawman. Leftists don’t claim Biden single-handedly ushered in fascism. Leftists underline how little Biden did to ensure a winning campaign, as well as how little he did to defend against Trump.
Biden enabled Trump by not stacking courts, not prosecuting trump hard enough, or choosing policy positions based on what would beat trump.
I don’t think the victim here is a leftist. Trucker hat, rolled up sleeves; he’s a working class conservative who’s getting hammered by Trumps policies. He is still blaming Biden against all evidence.
If incompetency was prosecutable, every single ranking member of Biden’s DOJ would be eligible for indictment.
From Tulsi Gabbard to Devin Nunes to Jared Kushner to Steven Miller, then number of Trump '16 era crooks who didn’t get prosecuted when Biden had the chance could fill an entire Presidential cabinet.
Biden enabled Trump by not stacking courts, not prosecuting trump hard enough, or choosing policy positions based on what would beat trump.
I’m reminded of those 2-pt font “This is what Biden has done, you stupid leftists!” infographics that included dozens of citations of investigations and probes and FBI raids and committees and executive orders and threats to indict which amounted to… nothing! Biden’s DOJ couldn’t even be bothered to pursue a full prosecution. He left that to Alvin Bragg and a New York County Court.
If Dems wanted a prosecutor who was tough on crime at the top of the ticket, maybe they should have coronated him instead of Harris.
This isn’t about leftists. The guy is dressed like a farmer, who majority voted for Trump. Trump turned around and immediately cut subsidies that small business farmers rely on, so many are now struggling. The comic is saying that they will still blame Biden despite being screwed by Trump. This could also be viewed as shorthand for any trump voter.
In reality, we’ve seen many farmers now communicate that they regret voting for trump. Alittle too little too late, it seems. They aren’t as dumb as the comic artist paints them in that sense, just unempathetic.
Honestly, I’d kind of like to read some serious analysis on Trump on agricultural policy. I’ve pointed out that farmers are politically-important in red states, but many of Trump’s policies look pretty bad for farmers to me.
Tariffs don’t benefit them – the US is globally competitive agriculturally. The people who want tariffs are in labor-intensive manufacturing. Tariffs just bring up the prices farmers pay, and counter-tariffs hurt them by keeping them from competing in foreign markets. Trump did have some relief funds sent farmers impacted by Chinese tariffs in his first term to mitigate the hit they took, but I’m pretty sure that they’d rather not have their business mucked up.
Trump may not actually do as much on illegal immigration as he tries to promote in his image, but he sure doesn’t help, and US agriculture depends heavily on labor from illegal immigrants.
Trump going after SNAP, subsidized food for the poor, doesn’t help. My understanding was that for a long time, farmers benefited primarily from federal crop insurance subsidies, but that due to a decline in influence, they basically teamed up with advocates for the poor to get food stamp subsidies in place, and that’s now the primary form of federal farm subsidy.
When I look at the NFU — the big farming industry association — website, it doesn’t sound very happy with Trump:
WASHINGTON – National Farmers Union President Rob Larew commented today on the President’s decision to implement tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China.
“The tariffs announced today, along with retaliatory measures from China and Canada, will have serious consequences for American agriculture. Our farmers are the backbone of this country, and they need strong, fair trade policies that ensure they can compete on a level playing field—not be caught in the middle of international disputes.
“We are already facing significant economic uncertainty, and these actions only add to the strain. Trade policies must come with real, tangible protections for the farmers directly affected. We’ve heard there’s a strategy in place—now we need to see it. Promises alone won’t pay the bills or keep farms afloat.
“Without a clear plan, family farmers will once again be left to bear the burden of decisions beyond their control, and eventually, so will consumers. We urge the administration to work with our trading partners to prevent further harm to rural communities.”
In the US political system, strongly-red or strongly-blue areas aren’t as politically important, so you don’t really need to worry about pissing them off – they’re gonna tend to vote for or against you regardless. That’s especially true for the President, and true for a lesser degree for legislators.
But if I’m a legislator for an area, I do care about the industries in my area, and seeing the party that mostly represents rural areas producing a lot of what looks like disadvantageous-to-farmers policy going through kind of surprises me.
This is one of the big things that I don’t really feel like I have a handle on regarding Trump administration policy.
EDIT: And I also see websites commenting on Trump policy not being good for farmers, so it’s not just me making some kind of huge error in assessing this.
EDIT2: One issue for some farmers has been the EPA taking issue with farm runoff – fertilizer causing algae blooms, like in the Great Lakes. If Trump weakens regulation on that, that might be popular with farmers. Farm runoff is a very big political issue in the Netherlands, and I know that that caused enormous political waves in the past few years.
Ah. Okay, apparently yes:
Trump rollback could leave waterways vulnerable to pollution
Since his first weeks in office, President Donald Trump has targeted environmental and public health regulations that he says imposed unnecessary burdens on business. Speaking to farmers in Texas on Sunday, Trump repeated his frequent charge that an Obama-era attempt in 2015 to more clearly define what water bodies qualify for federal pollution protection was “one of the most ridiculous regulations of all.“”
Thursday’s changes to the clean water rule have long been sought by builders, oil and gas developers, farmers and others.
So I guess that might be one selling point he has for farmers.
Yet people still decided who to vote for & who not to vote against. People still hold responsibility for their vote or failure to vote: they knew who Trump was. They’d seen his shit before.
Also, why do you think the guy in the trucker hat is a leftist?
partially, yes. sleepy Joe refused to pressure Republicans and the justice department to press charges against a know Russian asset and block them from the White House.
so yes…but no…but also yes.
edit: everyone hating on this let me ask you something.
when a murderous drug addicted rapist is loose in your community and continues to assault your community. who do you blame? is it the rapist? is it the mayor? is it the police?
IMO I blame all three. I also blame the community for not banding together to end the terror.
Yes, in the sense that he should have bought a shotgun, named it “Official Acts,” and executed half the Supreme Court, most of the Republican Congress critters, and a good chunk of the Democrats.
He was never the person to realize or be capable of that though.
No primaries cause of Joe.
The primaries happened my dude. He won them
Did they? When did everyone vote for Biden? I missed it.
Now, will you repeat the disinformation?
Everyone loved that Biden guy! 87% that is almost as much as Putin got last time around! Must have been an open and fair process!
In party internal elections, getting less than 70% is an embarrassment. Everywhere. Comparing them with general elections is certainly something.
You conveniently left out the “Opinion polls” from the first image there. Surely you don’t have some sort of narrative you’re trying to push by manipulating information then relating it to Putin’s dictatorship… Nah. Definitely not.
So they DID happen!
It is extremely funny to see Lemmy Liberals insist the 2024 Dem Primary was anything resembling democratic.
These are the people convinced we’re not going to have elections in 2026. How would they even notice?
You are the one wearing the hat in this meme.
but I’m not.
Joe Biden failed to protect us from Trump by failing to pressure the DOJ to speed it up.
Joe was a good president, who did good things-- but his legacy is forever tainted by his administrations failure to act.
Joe, his administration, and the Democratic party failed Americans.
Also the courts that delayed cases, or handed out zero penalties. Also the courts that forced states to keep Trump on the ballot. Also the courts that let Republican gerrymandering stay because there wasn’t enough time. Also the judges that didn’t take the violation of purging voter rolls too close to elections. Also the voters who did vote for Trump.
But let’s blame everything on one person like in the meme. Just the one person didn’t do enough, all on him. Nobody else, it is ALL Biden’s fault.
do you know why?
because that’s what happens when you’re a fucking leader.
as a leader when you fuck up, they suffer. as a leader when they suffer, you suffer. as a leader you do everything within your power to give them a chance.
Joe did none of those. he ran. he ran away, pardoned his friends and family. he left us to suffer here in Magastan.
and for that, fuck Joe Biden. Fuck democrats. I’m done with all of them. know why? because I’ll never get a chance to vote in another presidential election again.
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What the fuck are you even talking about?
Also took incredible unpopular positions and refused to step down for a primary. Fuck Joe Biden.
Are you forgetting that the American voters voted Trump back in again?
It is those sleepy voter’s fault.
hold up, musk stole the election for Trump. I thought we all agreed that is what really happened.
I don’t disagree though, those that even supported Trump are the problem.
but the comic was pointed at Biden, which I partially agree with.
Democrats completely dropped the ball. not once. not twice. but for over a decade, every turn they took was steeped in corruption and backroom deals just to stay in power so they could keep making money.
so yeah, I’ll stand by what I said. Fuck Joe Biden and fuck anyone who thinks he doesn’t have any blame in this shitty place we find ourselves in. fuck Donald Trump. fuck magastani terrorists.
The comic says it is ALL Biden’s fault, not that he is partially at fault.
The comic also blames Biden for what Trump is actively doing in the comic.
I saw something very different in the comic - a red hat blaming Biden for all Trump’s ills, as they like to do.
I’m surprised you got that far in the comic since you failed to read what I said.
so yes…but no…but also yes.
Musk didn’t steal the election for Trump, the voters voted him in.
That’s an article not a court case.
aaaaaaand blocked.
That’s a shame I was enjoying our conversation.
The courts also followed the ‘let the voters decide’ bullshit even when the judge wasn’t nominated by a Republican because they didn’t want to seem impartial by letting a criminal actually get prosecuted if he was on a ballot they forced states to keep him on.
The voters (who were allowed to vote) was the icing on top, sure. But after staging an insurrection Trump shouldn’t have been eligible for office in the first place.
Democracy is still democracy when your team doesn’t win.
A stacked deck is still cheating.
Where are the court cases?
I hate how some democrats saw the republicans’ denial of Biden’s win and want to emulate it.
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I hope you mean like there.
Actually no, no, and also no
It was the fault of the butterfly who flapped its wings.
The name of the butterfly?
Edit: this is a joke.
It isn’t as though Trump wasn’t committing crimes between 2009 and 2017. My man straight up confessed to sexual assault on camera, ffs. Nevermind the E. Jean Carroll civil case.
If you’re really a Lock Him Up democrat, you could easily argue Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch both dropped the ball.
Obama was great. he actually did shit and got shit done.
had we had him over Biden, I guarantee we wouldn’t be going through this shit.
know why? because he’s not 82 fucking years old.
I mean, over half a century of neolibs gutting the small semblance of social democracy we had did this. And Biden was certainly one of those people. It’d just be more accurate to say Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush again, Regan…
Now did you mean for all those words to come out of your mouth in that order, or are you just as surprised and confused as the rest of us?
Oh I must have been confused. I forgot that history doesn’t exist. Everything started with whatever was last on TV. Donald Trump is just randomly the president for no reason. There must not be any reason he has the power to do the things he’s doing. Nope. It’s a mystery. Carry on.
Oh I must have been confused.
It shows.
I forgot that history doesn’t exist.
It’s apparent.
Donald Trump is just randomly the president for no reason.
Being a Russian asset (sock puppet or fanboy… you can pick) … helps considerably.
There must not be any reason he has the power to do the things he’s doing. Nope. It’s a mystery. Carry on.
Legally speaking he doesn’t have the power to do a great deal of what he and his fascist
buyersfriends are doing.Legally the president doesn’t have the power to unilaterally go to war, but that hasn’t stopped them from doing it for the last 70+ years.
Basically ever modern president has grabbed more power for the executive branch without being properly checked by congress or the courts. Combine that with an ever expanding military and surveillance apparatus and it turns out you can do some pretty bad stuff, regardless of the legality.
As for the rest of it, idk man. Clearly you have your rosy view of history where the US was a super great place before the scary Russians came in to corrupt democracy. All I can say is you have more reading to do.
Let’s not mince words here and throw about whataboutisms. We can deal with your hand waving in a second:
Clearly you have your rosy view of history…
I know my history and have no illusions of what this country has done in the past- eugenics, experimentation on its own citizens, interfering with other countries… it’s a list. Surely. But because I know my history I can safely say that it is unprecedented what is being done today.
Only either the truly ignorant or malicious could look at what is occurring and attribute it to standard politics. Let’s be real: we’ve been observing the systematic isolation of the United States from its allies, the undermining of its protections, and attempts to dismantle or weaken it’s defenses… And that’s before we start to look at some of the other heinous shit that is going on.
The scary russians
Let’s not pretend like Russia hasn’t time and again been the aggressor and frequently is willing to cross lines (and borders) to enact it’s will. You might argue the US has some similarities in that… and you’d be right- however; it is a feature of our system that has allowed us to retain some semblance of humanity and good will - despite the rot. I think I speak for most Americans when I say we’d rather not tread further into the realm of dictators and fascists.
Your rhetoric is in line with what is frequently parroted by the willfully ignorant in echo chambers… So which is it: are you seeding the disinformation or a product of it?
It’s not about this being the same. It’s about what has contributed to allow this moment. Regular failures of institutions and vast wealth inequality that has been left undressed by the political system has made for a lot of angry people. Concentration of ownership in media has guided that frustration away from its true causes for the benefit of the rich and powerful. The electoral system is set up to favor conservative results and to squarely shut out left leaning candidates. The various expansions of presidential power and the tools needed to exercise that power has made it easier for someone like Trump to get away with things he theoretically shouldn’t. The courts being slowly corrupted. Etc.
What Russia is doing is besides the point. The US has plenty of it’s own oligarchs to mess with our elections already and we’re definitely messing around in other countries. If they weren’t touching anything, do you think we’d suddenly get some great elections that represent the people?
however; it is a feature of our system that has allowed us to retain some semblance of humanity and good will - despite the rot.
What is a feature of our system? You didn’t specify. As to us maintaining our humanity: We do terrible things regularly, but most people are so disconnected from those actions that they can’t really conceptualize the horror of it enough to care and do something about it. There’s always some excuse that helps them rationalize it. I don’t think most people WANT all the bad stuff. But in the absence of better education and media, it’s really easy to trick people into thinking all of this is actually good or at least not bad enough to do something about it.
… has made it easier for someone like Trump to get away with things he theoretically shouldn’t. The courts being slowly corrupted. Etc.
Trump, may I remind you, installed a number of those judges. Now the list you provided is lengthy and generally most of the talking points brought up when speaking about capitalism corrupting the system. They exist. Those things have nothing to do with the subject at hand however. Let’s keep it in between the lines.
What Russia is doing is besides the point. The US has plenty of it’s own oligarchs to mess with our elections already…
So you believe they should be allowed to install a sock puppet? I believe that was what we were talking about about, was it not?
What is a feature of our system? You didn’t specify.
Sorry I figured someone familiar with our system could interpret that as checks and balances. Something trump is currently trying to break. In what language should I provide your native translation?
US politics in a nutshell: Good Cop, Bad Cop (The Simpsons).
Conservatives are happy with what Trump’s doing.
I mean they’re happy because right now it’s just “owning the libs”. When their social security checks don’t show up or their Medicaid gets denied I like to think they’ll learn. But the Republicans are already trying to line that up to be “corruption and immigrants”. I also like to think that the Republicans will lose some of their propaganda power the longer they are in office. You can only hit the “blame DEI” button so many times before it doesn’t work anymore.
They are, until it happens to effect them directly.
“He was supposed to get rid of all the slackers and cut off people abusing the system, not fire my entire department!”
“He was supposed to put in tariffs to make China pay more, not to make the price of our goods go up!”
Classic leopards eating peoples faces party behaviour.
You’re expecting more disastrous consequences than they are. Time will tell, but I think they’ll find the tariff costs worth it for added manufacturing investment.
A lot of them aren’t. And when more of them are negatively affected then they won’t be either
But they will still vote Republican because nothing the Republicans have done over the last 45 years to ruin their lives has swayed them yet.
Maybe that’s just how badly they want to own the libs
I mean that’s true with any large group, yeah? Doesn’t change the fact that he’s doing what they voted for him to do.
Not true. He said he would reduce corruption and lower food prices. Many MAGA voters somehow believed this.
They believe he’ll still do it. Did you think he was supposed to just pray for it or send the military to Kraft?
He’s firing people daily. If he ramps oil production he’ll be fulfilling promises to these people. The media will keep reporting on it like firing people is bad and the conservatives will read it and smile.
I don’t think you guys understand how they think at all. You’ve classed them as non human and think any compassion is weakness. Don’t ruin yourself to hate on maga fucks.
A lot of them are beyond help. Brains too melted. But there are some people who might not have turned out to vote, due to apathy, or getting hung up on specific issues they were unhappy with Biden about, who are now realizing their mistake. I wish these people had been paying attention, and voted more proactively rather than reactively. Everything he’s doing now was warned about.
But there are some people who might not have turned out to vote, due to apathy, or getting hung up on specific issues they were unhappy with Biden about, who are now realizing their mistake.
And if democrats had pursued them with a tenth of the fervor with which they pursued republicans who were never going to vote for them, we wouldn’t have trump now.
Bush v Gore was my first election I was eligible to vote. Aligning with a fucking Cheney might at well have been performing satanic rituals on stage. Let’s find the biggest fucking ghouls imaginable. That’ll help